Best Exercise Videos for Seniors Reviewed & Rated for Quality

Just because a person reaches their senior years, it does not mean they will not benefit from doing exercise. The many benefits of exercises for older adults is there will be an overall improvement to their cardiovascular health, toning of the muscles, as well as it is gentle on the joints and it will be a benefit to their immune system and the circulation of their lymphatic system.
The following top 10 exercise videos for seniors are not only meant to be fun activities. But these are balance exercises for seniors as well as core exercises for seniors that will also work on increasing their sense of balance and coordination.
Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
The first thing a person in their senior years needs to look at before they start an exercise regimen is what their weight is. If they are slightly over (or under) weight they need to get together with their primary care doctor and work on a plan to get their weight within the right range. Many seniors experience weight loss as they age, but it becomes a problem if that weight loss is due to not dieting or exercising. If you experience a 5% weight loss in a month or 13% over the course of six months, then there may be an underlying issue for the weight loss that you need to visit your doctor about.
These exercise videos are for the generally healthy senior who is at their ideal weight or may need to shed a few unwanted pounds. But overall, are in good physical health. Never start an exercise or diet routine without first consulting with your doctor to ensure it is right for you.
When designing the right type of exercises for a senior person to engage in there are a number of things that must be looked into. One of the most important is to ensure that there is plenty of support allowed during the exercise. A simple way to ensure support is to do the “single limb stance”. This exercise ensures the older individual has the support and balance required to perform the exercise. By doing this exercise one can determine how well their overall they feel the center of gravity above their ankles.
One can begin this exercise by holding onto the back of a chair and standing first on one foot and then the other. Trying standing on one foot alone for a few seconds, working up to a minute or more. Then hold onto the chair with only one hand, then one finger, and eventually let go of the chair completely to balance on one leg alone. This exercise will ensure that you have the support and balance needed to complete the workout videos safely.
The next thing the senior needs to do before starting any form of exercise routine is proving they are stable enough to do it without injury. One of the ways to test this sense of stability is by doing an “eye tracking” exercise. This exercise will aid in determining how much confidence one has with movements of their head. If doing this makes you dizzy then stop right away and try some slower movements. Eventually, you should be able to work your way up to the proper speed in which will prepare you for these video exercises.
When you are ready to begin these exercise videos, you need to ensure your body will safely be able to respond to them. You want to make sure you are not doing anything that will cause any unwanted pain or soreness. (A little soreness can be expected, as with any exercise routine because your muscles are getting a much-needed workout; however, anything in excess of mild pain should be addressed.)
Safety Hazards
It is always important for anyone, particularly a senior, to watch for any safety hazards when exercising. Ensure there is nothing in the way of your workout area that will make you trip and fall. As well, make sure you watch the video through to the end to assure there are no movements that may cause you injury. You know your body and what it is capable of doing and what motions you can safely make without hurting yourself.
10 Best Exercise Videos for Seniors
1. Stronger Seniors® Stretch and Strength

This is an excellent way for older people to work their way back into an exercise program slowly. This video has exercises involving stretches, strength training, balance, and aerobics. With this exercise video, a senior will be able to improve the quality of their muscle and bone strength, flexibility, stability, and best of all their heart health.
Created by a Certified Fitness Instructor
This video was designed by Anne Pringle Burnell, a certified fitness instructor as a means to progress their overall strength, as well as augment their ability to perform in their day-to-day lives.
Two Fitness DVDs
There are two fitness DVDs included in this pack. These will aid the senior in maintaining the ability to improve their flexibility and mobility. As well as increase their balance, muscle strength, and heart health.
Cost and Value
This set of two DVDs is much more valuable than the actual monetary numbers. Once you (or your loved one) tries out this video for the first time you are going to like how great a feeling it is to get back in shape and fun doing so.

2. Yoga with Jane Adams

This video is available as a 3 DVD collection and is a great way to aid older people (over 70 years of age) in getting into the best physical condition they possibly can be in.
Level 1
This is a 26 minutes exercise and is all done seated. The objective of this level is to accentuate an advancement in range-of-motion, joints, strength, and posture.
Level 2
Once the senior has advanced to this level, the focus is to progress the strength and flexibility to continue to grow throughout the rest of the body. This level of exercising is going to aid in the advancement of controlling one’s balance and develop more strength for the ankle, foot, and leg.
Cost and Value
For a minimal cost, you are going to appreciate all that this set of DVDs can do to make yourself (or the senior person in your life) become more agile and strong overall. Yoga for Seniors with Jane Adams is going to become an invaluable tool to whoever it is intended for.

3. Cardio & Strength Training Workout

This is a cardio and strength workout training for senior’s DVD, meant for a person just beginning their training. The workout trainer, Angie Miller, has instructions that are easy to follow and she uses movements that will not make the senior person feel uncomfortable.
Stability in Mind
The trainer in this video uses a chair as part of many of the exercising segments. This aids the older person following along to have something sturdy to hold onto and keep them stable while exercising.
Training Conversions
Exercises are changed often in an effort to allow the person following along in the video to feel the added confidence of being able to keep up. When an exercise is modified using a chair, it makes the exercise easier to do for a person who is not that steady.
Cost and Value
This workout video is affordably priced. A person on a “fixed income” could afford it. Or, a relative could afford to give it to that person as a gift. How the purchase is made will not be a factor. The overall effects of the video are going to be invaluable when you see how much healthier and agile your elder friend/family member becomes.

4. Chair Yoga

This Chair Yoga workout for beginners is the ideal routine. It is meant to aid in advancing flexibility and strength for people who do not have the ability to do a normal yoga workout.
Ideal for a Beginner
This chair workout will help anyone from 50 to 85 (or older) who have never done a yoga workout. It will also aid a person who has issues with flexibility.
Helps People with Arthritis
This Chair Yoga workout is excellent in helping a person with severe arthritis get their flexibility back. The instructor makes you feel like you are doing a good job and gives you’re the confidence to keep going.
Cost and Value
This workout video is so great. It has become an invaluable part of my workout with instruction that is easy and simple to follow. For a minimal price, you will get all the workout activities you need at any age.

5. Be Fit Arthritis

This workout video for seniors is an award-winning exercise that can be done with a chair. It aids in seniors on how to stretch, do aerobics, and train for advancing in balance, strength, and agility. This workout will give the senior a better sense of flexibility within their muscles as well as strengthen bones, heart healthiness, blood circulation and an overall sense of stability.
Great Workout for One Who Must Remain Seated
If the person you are purchasing this for cannot stand for long; or, they are limited to seating only, this is the workout for them. We all know that limited mobility can result in poor circulation among other problems. However, this workout will get you feeling as if you are on the move again!
Excellent for the Inactive
This workout video is excellent for a person who is inactive. The video goes slow enough for these people to keep up and ensures they are not doing too much exercise that their current situation can withstand.
Cost and Value
This video for seniors is will prove to be invaluable. It does not cost a lot of money, but its value is definitely more than monetary.

6. Safe Strength Training

We are all aware that as we age the danger of developing Osteoporosis; particularly in women but men have also been known to be afflicted. This workout video has been developed to give the aging person a safe defense against Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is No Longer Out of Control
This workout video gives the person with this formerly dooming diagnosis a ray of hope. Previously, the diagnosis of Osteoporosis meant feeling helpless and worrying the slightest thing might cause a bone to break. Now with this workout, you will actually be able to give your bones a fighting chance.
Strength Training Exercises
This video workout is going to train you about the science behind the diagnosis. The workout instructor, Susie Hathaway is going to show you how to build strength and aid in the prevention of developing Osteoporosis.
Cost and Value
If you are in your 50’s and at risk for low bone density; you will find this workout video to be rather invaluable. The price is fair for all the informative information you will get when you purchase the video.

7. Older & Wiser Workout

This is the perfect name for a senior workout video. The Older & Wiser Workout for Seniors and Active Older Adults; since we are all aware that seniors are much older and wiser than the rest of the population! This workout is going to make the senior or active older adult much more physically fit as well as mentally wise.
A Gently, Safe Workout
The workout instructor, Sue Grant, is an excellent trainer for the beginning exerciser not familiar with daily routines. These exercises can be completed in the sitting or standing position; there are no difficulty positions requiring lying on the floor.
Fun and Well Rounded
This workout video contains all three important parts included in a fitness program. There is low-impact aerobics which is simple to follow along that take approximately 23 minutes to do. Then you will go into a stretch training that is gentle on the body and muscles for another 21 minutes. Finally, you round it up with some relaxing stretches for cooling down that last about 10 minutes. This will be the best 54 minutes to start your morning off that will leave you feeling fantastic for the remainder of the day.
Cost and Value
You are going to be pleasantly surprised to learn that the cost of this workout video is so little. The value is definitely invaluable and not monetary.

8. Weight Loss Exercise and Beginners

This is an excellent resource for the senior or just starting out exercise novice about to begin a workout plan. This workout video has workouts that are exclusively for burning fat as well as building up resistance. The program is simple to follow, fun, as well as being as having little bearing on a person of advanced age or experience with exercising.
Workouts for Burning Fat
There are five workouts in this video that are meant to burn the fat. Each exercise takes just 20 minutes to complete and there is a complete running time of 100 minutes in this senior exercise DVD.
Give Yourself a Complete Body Workout
When working out to this video you will be giving yourself a complete workout for your body. You will build strength in your abs, your lower back and arms will also benefit from this workout. As well as giving your legs just the amount of exercise they require. This is a fully balanced exercise routine for anyone.
Cost and Value
From the moment you open this video and pop it in the DVD player you are going to discover the many benefits it has for you. The value goes way beyond monetary means, even though the cost is minimal. You definitely get more than your money’s worth with this product.

9. Seated Mixed Chair Exercise

This product is a set of three DVDs which has thirty exercise sections with seniors in mind. These are exercises that can be done while seated in a chair. This DVD set is the most complete of the chair exercises for seniors that are currently available.
30 Various Routines
There are thirty different exercise procedures in all on this set of DVDs. Offering a variety of exercises that will never get boring, because you can do a different one every day of the month if you choose to.
Low Impact
These exercises for seniors are low impact and has a resistance band that includes resistance that is extra light as well. Perfect video workout made with the senior adult in mind.
Cost and Value
A real value to anyone on a fixed income. The price is affordable, however, the real value lies with what the recipient of this DVD set gets. A mix of 30 different exercises that are going to make you look and feel you're very best.

10. Gold Dance Workout # 1

The Senior Gold Dance Workout #1 is a dance exercise workout made for anyone over the age of 50. It is fun and simple to follow. The dance moves are an efficient way for someone to burn the fat and calories and aid in losing weight. This is a 32-minute video exercise routine that one can purchase or rent online.
A Great Workout
Everyone is aware that dancing is a great way to get a good workout. Have you ever gone out on the dance floor at a nightclub and really danced to a fast, upbeat song? Dancing gives you a cardio workout as well as exercising your arms and legs. However, with this dance workout, you have control over how hard or easy the work out is.
Uplifting Dancing Experience
Instructor, Paul Eugene provides an exciting explanation of how to do the moves on this DVD. He also gives the viewer an explicit exhibition of how the moves are done. Easy to follow steps are slow and not rushed. A very uplifting 30-minute routine.
Cost and Value
If you are planning on giving this to a person on your gift list, you have a few options of doing so. You can what it as a free 30-day trial and then have the option of purchasing the video to own or rent it. However, you decide to get the Senior Gold Dance Workout #1, it is going to prove an invaluable asset to your exercise video collection.